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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 30(11); 1993 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1993;30(11): 974.
HIC용 $RuO_2$ 후막저항체에서 유리의 물리적 성질이 TCR에 미치는 영향
이병수, 이준1
전북대학교 재료공학과
1건국대학교 공업화학과
Effects of Physical Properties of Glass on the TCR of $RuO_2$ Thick Film Resistors for Hybrid Integrated Circuits (HIC)
Glass viscosity effects on the electrical properties and microstructure of RuO2 based thick film resistors (TFR) using alumina modified lead borosilicate glasses were studied. AT 85$0^{circ}C$, the glass viscosities were increased from 4.24Pa.s to 51.5Pa.s when the alumina was added from none to 14 weight percent to the standard glass of 63% PbO, 25% B2O3 and 12% SiO2. The resistivities of resistors were generally decreased and the microstructure development was retarded as the viscosity of the glass increased. This is contrary to the generally accepted thought that the low resistivity is due to fast microstructure development kinetics in TFR. Even though the glass viscosity retards the microstructure development kinetics, the overall network formations are favored for higher viscosity of glass, such that the sheet resistivities were decreased as the glass viscosity increased.
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