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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 46(5); 2009 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2009;46(5): 488.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2009.46.5.488
프릿을 이용한 다공질 SiC 세라믹스의 저온 제조 공정 및 물성
채수호, 김영욱, 송인혁1, 김해두1, 배지수2, 나상문2, 김승일2
서울시립대학교 신소재공학과
Low Temperature Processing and Properties of Porous Frit-Bonded SiC Ceramics
Su-Ho Chae, Young-Wook Kim, In-Hyuck Song1, Hai-Doo Kim1, Ji-Soo Bae2, Sang-Moon Na2, Seung-Il Kim2
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, the University of Seoul
1Powder Materials Research Division, Korea Institute of Materials Science
2Young-Jin Ceramics Co., Ltd.
Porous frit-bonded SiC ceramics were successfully prepared at a temperature as low as $800^{circ}C$ from SiC, frit, and microbeads (glass or polymer). The effects of SiC starting particle size and microbead addition on microstructure, porosity, and flexural strength were investigated. The addition of hollow glass microbead improved the strength of frit-bonded SiC ceramics without the loss of porosity by acting additional binder phase between SiC grains. The 65 ${mu}m$-sized SiC resulted in lower porosity and higher strength than 50 ${mu}m$-sized SiC because of higher packing density. Typical flexural strengths of frit-bonded SiC were 23 MPa at 46% porosity and 19 MPa at 49% porosity.
Key words: SiC, Porous ceramics, Frit, Processing, Strength
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