불산석고-고로슬래그계의 수화반응 |
송종택, 고상열, 노재성1 |
단국대학교 재료공학과 1충남대학교 화학공학부 |
Hydration in the System of Fluorogypsum-Blast Furnace Slag |
The hydration for the system of fluorogypsum and 20wt% blast furnace slag was investigated at liquid/soild ratio of 0.45 for 1, 3, and 7 days by using 3 kinds of accelerators such as K2SO4 Al2(SO4)3 $.$16-18H2O and AlK(SO4)2$.$12H2O After curing the hardened specimen was characterized by the compressive strength the content of combined water XRD, DTA and SEM It was found that the activating effect was increased in the order of K2SO4 |
Key words:
Fluorogypsum, Hydration, Blastfurnace slag, Compressive strength, Combined water |