고로 슬래그를 사용한 용융클링커의 광물학적 특성 |
추용식, 서성관, 임두혁, 송훈, 이종규, 이승호 |
한국세라믹기술원 그린세라믹본부 |
Mineral Properties of Molten Clinker with Blast Furnace Slag |
Yong-Sik Chu, Sung-Kwan Seo, Du-Hyuk Im, Hun Song, Jong-Kyu Lee, Seung-Ho Lee |
Green Ceramic Division, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Techmology |
Raw mix of molten clinker was fabricated using blast furnace slag as starting material. Raw mix was melted at 1620$^{circ}C$ for molten clinker fabrication. It was found that molten clinker contained alite and belite equivalent to OPC clinker mineral by optical microscope and SEM. The size of alite was 10~50 ${mu}m$ and that of belite was 20~80 ${mu}m$. This result thought to be attributed low $Al_2O_3$ content and cooling condition. Interstitial phase increased with blast furnace slag content and gehlenite was formed by the condition of LSF and SM. So raw mix with 27~41% blast furnace slag could be converted into cement clinker by appropriate choice of melting andcooling methods in this study. |
Key words:
Molten clinker, BF slag, Clinker modulus, Clinker mineral |