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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 40(8); 2003 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2003;40(8): 725.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2003.40.8.725
Fluorine and Heavy Metal Oxide Effects on Spectral Properties of Tm3+ in Silicate Glasses
Doo-Hee Cho, Hong-Seok Seo, Bong-Je Park, Yong-Gyu Park
Telecom. Basic Research Lab., Electronic and Telecommunication Research Institute
The fluorine doping along with heavy metal oxides remarkably raised the $^3$H$_4$ lifetime and the quantum efficiency in Tm$^{3+}$-doped silicate glasses. 29 mol% of fluorine substitution for oxygen in 70SiO$_2$-15Pbo-12ZnO-3KO$_{1}$2/ glass raised $^3$H$_4$ lifetime to 193 $mutextrm{s}$. Refractive indices were raised by heavy metal oxide substitution, but hardly changed by fluorine substitution. The fluorine doping changed the local structure around Tm$^{3+}$ions, then low energy vibrations related to fluorine are considered to largely reduce the multi-phonon relaxation rates in the oxyfluoride silicate glasses. The $^3$H$_4$ lifetimes and absorption and emission spectra of Tm$^{3+}$doped silicate and oxyfluoride silicate glasses are reported, and Judd-Ofelt calculation results are discussed in this paper.paper.
Key words: Tm, Silicate glass, Fluorine
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