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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 52(3); 2015 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2015;52(3): 209.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2015.52.3.209
Correlations between Electrical Properties and Process Parameters of Silicon Nitride Films Prepared by Low Temperature (100℃) Catalytic CVD
Se Myoung Noh, Wan-Shick Hong1
Dept. of Energy and Environmental System Engineering, University of Seoul
1Dept. of Nano Science and Technology, University of Seoul
Silicon nitride films were deposited at $100^{circ}C$ by using the catalytic chemical vapor deposition technique. The source gas mixing ratio, $R_N=[NH_3]/[SiH_4]$, was varied from 10 to 30, and the hydrogen dilution ratio, $R_H=[H_2]/[SiH_4]$, was varied from 20 to 100. The breakdown field strength reached a maximum value at $R_N=20$ and $R_H=20$, whereas the resistivity decreased in the same sample. The relative permittivity had a positive correlation with the breakdown field strength. The capacitance-voltage threshold curve showed an asymmetric hysteresis loop, which became more squared as $R_H$ increased. The width of the hysteresis window showed a negative correlation with the slope of the transition region, implying that the combined effect of $R_N$ and $R_H$ overides the interface defects while creating charge storage sites in the bulk region.
Key words: Silicon nitride, Catalytic chemical vapor deposition, Low temperature process, Electrical property
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