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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 51(5); 2014 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2014;51(5): 380.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2014.51.5.380
점토 광물 조성이 점토기반 분리막의 곡강도에 미치는 영향
이영일, 엄정혜1, 김영욱1, 송인혁2
동남보건대학교 안경광학과
1서울시립대학교 신소재공학과 기능성세라믹스연구실
2재료연구소 엔지니어링세라믹연구그룹
Effect of Clay-Mineral Composition on Flexural Strength of Clay-based Membranes
Young-Il Lee, Jung-Hye Eom1, Young-Wook Kim1, In-Hyuck Song2
Department of Optometry and Vision Science, Dongnam Health College
1Functional Ceramics Laboratory, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The University of Seoul
2Engineering Ceramics Group, Korea Institute of Materials Science
Clay-based membranes with submicron pore size were successfully prepared by a simple pressing process using low-cost starting materials(e.g., kaolin (K), bentonite (B), talc (T), and sodium borate). The green bodies were sintered at $1000^{circ}C$ for 2 h in air. The effect of clay-mineral composition on the flexural strength of clay-based membranes was investigated. The porosity of the clay-based membranes could be controlled within the range of 34 - 42% by adjusting the starting composition. The flexural strength of the low-cost membranes depended on both the porosity and the ${alpha}$-quartz content. In turn, the porosity and ${alpha}$-quartz content were affected by the (B+T) /(K+B+T) ratio. The plot of strength relative to this ratio, showed a maximum when the ratio was 0.4. The typical flexural strength of these clay-based membranes (with ratio 0.4) was 28 MPa at 34% porosity.
Key words: Clay, Membranes, Porosity, Strength, Additive
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