석탄 저회로 제조한 인공토양의 기능성 건설재 적용 가능성 |
김강덕, 이영생1 |
경기대학교 신소재공학과 1경기대학교 토목공학과 |
Application for Functional Construction Materials of Artificial Soil Manufactured Using Coal Bottom Ash |
Kangduk Kim, Yeongsaeng Lee1 |
Department of Advanced Materials Engineering, Kyonggi University 1Department of Civil Engineering, Kyonggi University |
To recycle coal bottom ash(denoted here as CBA) generated from thermal power plants as a functional construction material, artificial soil(denoted as AS) containing CBA with dredged soil(denoted as DS) at a ratio(wt%) of 70 : 30 was manufactured by means of material engineering with sintering in a rotary kiln at $1125^{circ}C$ using a green body formed via extrusion processing. The properties of the soil mechanics of the AS and the as-received CBA were analyzed and compared. Compaction testing results determined an optimum moisture content of the AS and CBA at 18%. During these tests, the maximum dry unit weights of the materials were similar, at 1.57 and 1.58 $t/m^3$, respectively. The compressive strength levels of the AS and CBA concrete specimens were 5.1 and 5.4 $t/m^3$, respectively, both of which increased after materials engineering processing. In a consolidation test, the compression index of the AS and CBA was found to be $0.114{pm}0.001$ in both cases. The values were similar regardless of the materials engineering processes, but during the consolidation of AS, its coefficient was higher than that of the CBA materials. |
Key words:
Coal bottom ash, Soil, Compressive strength, Compression index, Consolidation coefficient, Functional construction materials |