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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 51(3); 2014 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2014;51(3): 150.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2014.51.3.150
산화티타늄이 청자유약의 발색에 끼치는 영향에 관한 연구
노형구, 김응수, 김종영, 조우석, 김철성1, 김진모1
한국세라믹기술원 이천분원
1국민대학교 물리학과
Effect of TiO2 on the Color Generation in Celadon Glaze
Hyunggoo No, Ungsoo Kim, Jongyoung Kim, Wooseok Cho, Chulsung Kim1, Chinmo Kim1
Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Technology
1Department of Physics, Kookmin University
In aprevious study, the mutual interaction between $Fe_2O_3$ and $TiO_2$ was found to influence the color of celadon glaze. Celadon samples were prepared with varying concentrations of $TiO_2$ at a fixed level of $Fe_2O_3$. The electronic states of Fe and Ti were analyzed by M$ddot{o}$ssbauer spectroscopy and electron spin-resonance spectroscopy, respectively. These results were examined with the celadon colors measured according to CIELAB values. This study revealed that an increase of $Ti^{3+}$ in the glassy phase decreased the $Fe^{2+}/Fe^{3+}$ ratio, resulting in a color change of the celadon samples in the GY and Y groups. The maximum reflectance wavelength was shifted from 505 nm to 610 nm with an increase in the $TiO_2$ concentration.
Key words: Celadon, Color, Iron oxide, Titanium dioxide, Reduction
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