석회석을 원료로 사용한 재생용지의 친환경 In-situ Filler로서의 광학적 특성 연구 |
이현재, 이로운1, 김춘식2, 남성영1, 서영범, 안지환1 |
충남대학교 환경소재공학과 1한국지질자원연구원 광물자원연구본부 2한일시멘트 단양공장 연구개발팀 |
Optical Characteristics of Eco-friendly In-situ Recycled Paper with Limestone as Filler |
Hyun-Jae Lee, Lown Lee1, Chun-Sik Kim2, Seong-Young Nam1, Yung-Bum Seo, Ji-Whan Ahn1 |
Department of Biobased Materials, Chungnam National University 1Mineral Resources Research Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM) 2Department of Research and development Team, Hanil Cement Co. Ltd. |
The study was performed with low-grade limestone, which is used to make cement or is disposed of due to its low CaO content. In this study, the optimal condition of limestone with which to manufacture precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) and limestone in fiber was determined through in-situ reactions. The best firing condition is with slaked lime with rapid cooling after 2 h of firing at $1000^{circ}C$. In addition, the content of CaO can be increased by sorting the low-grade limestone using a 200 mesh filter, and the optical quality of old newspaper (ONP) was similar when using both low-grade and high-grade limestone. Also, controlling the particle size of PCC is an important factor pertaining to the optical characteristics of paper. |
Key words:
In-situ precipitation, Limestone, Calcination condition, Flow CAM |