보통 포틀랜드 시멘트 페이스트의 유동특성에 미치는 석회석 미분말의 영향 |
이승헌, 박정수, 이정인1, 조재우2 |
군산대학교 신소재공학과 1(주)제이엔티아이엔씨 2한국건설생활환경시험연구원 |
Effects of Limestone Powder on the Fluidity of Ordinary Portland Cement Paste |
Seung-Heun Lee, Jeong-Soo Park, Jeong-In Lee1, Jae-Woo Cho2 |
Department of Materials Engineering, Kunsan National University 1JNT Inc 2Korea Conformity Laboratories |
This study examines the effects of limestone's factors on the fluidity of cement paste when of up to 15%. As the substitution ratio of limestone powder increases, the fluidity of the paste is also improved; however, it has no correlation to the $CaCO_3$ content of the limestone, fineness of the limestone, and fluidity of the pastes. Regardless of clay content of the limestone, it showed a similar mini-slump, so there was no correlation between the clay content and the fluidity of the paste. Also, the total organic carbon content of the limestone and the fluidity of the paste showed no correlation. Regardless of the limestone's grade or fineness, n value of powder gained by using the Rosin-Rammler distribution function showed that the fluidity of the paste increased as the n value reduced. It was also shown that particle size distribution of ordinary Portland cement with limestone powder had a major effect on the fluidity of the paste. |
Key words:
Limestone powder, Ordinary portland cement, Fluidity, Particle size distribution |