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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 50(1); 2013 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2013;50(1): 75.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2013.50.1.75
Calcium Phosphate 유백제 투입량에 따른 LED Diffuser용 유백유리의 특성
구현우, 임태영, 황종희, 김진호, 이미재, 신동욱1
한국세라믹기술원 광디스플레이소재팀
1한양대학교 신소재공학과
Characteristics of Opal Glass by Calcium Phosphate Opacifier for a LED Light Diffuser
Hyun-Woo Ku, Tae-Young Lim, Jonghee Hwang, Jin-Ho Kim, Mi-Jai Lee, Dong Wook Shin1
Optic & Display Materials Team, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Technology
1Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Hanyang University
We fabricated translucent opal glass to replace the polycarbonate diffuser in LED lighting systems in order to solve the durability problem. Batch materials of opal glass with a composition of calcium phosphate were created and melted at $1550^{circ}C$, and the effect of opaqueness was identified by an addition of 1~7% calcium phosphate as an opacifier raw material. As a result, translucent opal glass was obtained by the melting of the mixed batch materials with a composition of more than 5% calcium phosphate glass at $1550^{circ}C$ for 2 hrs, which had excellent optical properties for the diffuser of a LED lighting system with no dazzling from direct light by a high haze value exceeding 90% and a low parallel transmittance value of about 5%. For the thermal properties, the thermal expansion coefficient was found to be $5.6{sim}5.9{times}10^{-6}/^{circ}C$ and the softening point was $874{sim}884^{circ}C$. In addition, good thermal properties such as good thermal shock resistance and feasibility for use with a general manufacturing process during the forming of glass tubes and bulbs were noted. Therefore, it is concluded that this translucent opal glass can be used as a glass diffuser material for LED lighting due to its high heat resistance and high durability as a replacement for a polycarbonate diffuser.
Key words: Calcium phosphate, Opal glass, Opacifier, Diffuser, LED
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