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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 49(6); 2012 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2012;49(6): 637.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2012.49.6.637
UMG 실리콘을 이용한 태양전지 공정에서 Phosphorus 확산과 게터링
윤성연, 김정1, 최균
한국세라믹기술원 이천분원
1세종대학교 전자공학과
Phosphorus Diffusion and Gettering in a Solar Cell Process using UMG Silicon
Sung-Yean Yoon, Jeong Kim1, Kyoon Choi
KICET Icheon Branch
1Department of Electronic Engineering, Sejong University
Due to its high production cost and relatively high energy consumption during the Siemens process, poly-silicon makers have been continuously and eagerly sought another silicon route for decades. One candidate that consumes less energy and has a simpler acidic and metallurgical purification procedure is upgraded metallurgical-grade (UMG) silicon. Owing to its low purity, UMG silicon often requires special steps to minimize the impurity effects and to remove or segregate the metal atoms in the bulk and to remove interfacial defects such as precipitates and grain boundaries. A process often called the 'gettering process' is used with phosphorus diffusion in this experiment in an effort to improve the performance of silicon solar cells using UMG silicon. The phosphorous gettering processes were optimized and compared to the standard POCl process so as to increase the minority carrier lifetime(MCLT) with the duration time and temperature as variables. In order to analyze the metal impurity concentration and distribution, secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) was utilized before and after the phosphorous gettering process.
Key words: Solar cell, UMG silicon, Phosphorus diffusion, Gettering, Minority carrier lifetime
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