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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 49(4); 2012 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2012;49(4): 363.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2012.49.4.363
The Effect of Si3N4 Addition on Nitriding and Post-Sintering Behavior of Silicon Powder Mixtures
Young-Jo Park, Jae-Woong Ko, Jae-Wook Lee, Hai-Doo Kim
Engineering Ceramics Research Group, Korea Institute of Materials Science
Nitriding and post-sintering behavior of powder mixture compacts were investigated. As mixture compacts are different from simple Si compacts, the fabrication of a sintered body with a mixture composition has engineering implications. In this research, in specimens without a pore former, the extent of nitridation increased with $Si_3N_4$ content, while the highest extent of nitridation was measured in $Si_3N_4$-free composition when a pore former was added. Large pores made from the thermal decomposition of the pore former collapsed, and they were filled with a reaction product, reaction-bonded silicon nitride (RBSN) in the $Si_3N_4$-free specimen. On the other hand, pores from the decomposed pore former were retained in the $Si_3N_4$-added specimen. Introduction of small $Si_3N_4$ particles ($d_{50}=0.3{mu}m$) into a powder compact consisting of large silicon particles ($d_{50}=7{mu}m$) promoted close packing in the green body compact, and resulted in a stable strut structure after decomposition of the pore former. The local packing density of the strut structure depends on silicon to $Si_3N_4$ size ratio and affected both nitriding reaction kinetics and microstructure in the post-sintered body.
Key words: Reaction bonding, Silicon nitride, Porous, Diluents
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