Preceramic Polymer를 이용한 저유전박막 제조 및 특성 분석 |
김정주, 이정현, 이윤주, 권우택, 김수룡, 최두진1, 김형순2, 김영희 |
한국세라믹기술원 에너지소재센터 1연세대학교 신소재공학부 2인하대학교 신소재공학부 |
Preparation and Characterization of Low k Thin Film using a Preceramic Polymer |
Jung-Ju Kim, Jung-Hyun Lee, Yoon-Joo Lee, Woo-Teck Kwon, Soo-Ryong Kim, Doo-Jin Choi1, Hyung-Sun Kim2, Young-Hee Kim |
Energy Materials Center, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology 1Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Yonsei University 2School of Materials Science and Engineering, Inha University |
Recently, variety of organic and inorganic hybrid materials have recently investigated as alternative routes to SiOC, $SiO_2$ thin film formation at low temperatures for applications in electronic ceramics. Specially, silicon based polymers, such as polycarbosilane, polysilane and polysilazane derivatives have been studied for use in electronic ceramics and have been applied as dielectric or insulating materials. In this study, Polycarbosilane(PCS), which Si-$CH_2$-Si bonds build up the backbone of the polymer, has been investigated as low-k materials using a solution process. After heat treatment at 350$^{circ}C$ under $N_2$ atmosphere, chemical composition and dielectric constant of the thin film were $SiO_{0.27}C_{1.94}$ and 1.2, respectively. Mechanical property measured using nanoindentor shows 1.37 GPa. |
Key words:
Preceramic polymer, SiOC thin film, Low K, Solution process |