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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 48(6); 2011 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2011;48(6): 595.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2011.48.6.595
멜라민 수지를 혼합한 ALC 소재의 특성에 관한 연구
서성관, 추용식, 송훈, 이종규, 임두혁
한국세라믹기술원 그린세라믹본부
A Study on the Characteristics of ALC Material with Melamine Resin
Sung-Kwan Seo, Yong-Sik Chu, Hun Song, Jong-Kyu Lee, Du-Hyuk Im
Green Ceramic Div., Korea Institute of Ceramic Eng. & Tech.
ALC(Autoclaved Lightweight Concrete) is produced using quartz sand, lime and cement and water. And aluminum powder is used for blowing agent. ALC is manufactured by autoclave chamber under high-temperature and high-pressure. Generally, ALC is 1/4 levels lighter than concrete and mortar, because it has a lot of pores. So density of ALC is about 0.45~0.65 g/$cm^3$. But, ALC has a weakness, typically low strength, with its porous structure. So, it is necessary to excellent strength properties for extensive apply of ALC materials in high porosity. In this study, melamine resin was used to improve the strength characteristics of ALC materials. We performed compressive and bending strength measurements. Compressive strength of ALC with 2% melamine resin increased 26.88% than 'melamine-free' ALC. Also we performed functionality evaluation such as thermal conductivity, sound absorption, and flame-resistance.
Key words: ALC, Melamine resin, Strength, Sound absorption coefficient, Thermal conductivity
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