Gel-Casting 및 마이크로파 기상반응소결에 의한 질화규소 세라믹 제조에 대한 연구(I) : Gel-Casting에 의한 실리콘 성형체의 제조 |
배강, 우상국, 한인섭, 서두원 |
한국에너지기술연구원 에너지소재연구센터 |
Fabrication of Silicon Nitride Ceramics by Gel-Casting and Microwave Gas Phase Reaction Sintering(I) : Silicon Gel-Casting |
Kang Bai, Sang-Kuk Woo, In-Sub Han, Doo-Won Seo |
Energy Materials Research Center, Korea Institute of Energy Research |
By gel-casting, the silicon-polymer green bodies were prepared for silicon nitride ceramics, sintered by microwave gas phase reaction. Considering the viscosity and the idle time of slurries, we decided the operational conditions of related processes, and the optimum concentrations of raw materials powders, organic monomers, cross-linker, dispersant, initiator, and catalyst. So we could get the machinable green bodies, having about 50 MPa of bending strength without cracks by selecting drying conditions carefully. |
Key words:
Gel-casting, Silicon powder, Organic polymers, Acrylamide, Machinable green body |