서로 다른 밀도를 갖는 탄소섬유강화 탄화규소 복합재료의 압흔응력에 의한 기계적 거동 |
이기성, 김일겸, 김태우, 김세영1, 한인섭1, 우상국1 |
국민대학교 기계시스템공학부 기계설계 1한국에너지기술연구원 에너지소재센터 |
Mechanical Behavior of Indentation Stress in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Silicon Carbide Composites with Different Densities |
Kee-Sung Lee, Il-Kyum Kim, Tae-Woo Kim, Se-Young Kim1, In-Sub Han1, Sang-Kuk Woo1 |
School of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Kookmin University 1Energy Materials Center, Korea Institute of Energy Research |
In this study, we investigated the mechanical behavior of carbon fiber reinforced silicon carbide composites by indentation stress. Relatively porous and dense fiber reinforced ceramic composites were fabricated by liquid silicon infiltration (LSI) process. Densification of fiber composite was controlled by hardening temperature of preform and consecutive LSI process. Load-displacement curves were obtained during indentation of WC sphere on the carbon fiber reinforced silicon carbide composites. The indentation damages at various loads were observed, and the elastic modulus were predicted from unloading curve of load-displacement curve. |
Key words:
Carbon fibers, Ceramic matrix composites, Hertzian contact, Indentation |