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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 48(1); 2011 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2011;48(1): 94.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2011.48.1.094
TiO2/ITO 나노구조체 광전극의 합성 및 염료감응 태양전지에의 적용
김대현, 박경수, 최영진, 최헌진1, 박재관
한국과학기술연구원 나노재료센터
1연세대학교 신소재공학과
Synthesis of TiO2/ITO Nanostructure Photoelectrodes and Their Application for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
Dae-Hyun Kim, Kyung-Soo Park, Young-Jin Choi, Heon-Jin Choi1, Jae-Gwan Park
Nano-Materials Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
1Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Yonsei University
A Sn-doped $In_2O_3$ (ITO) nanowire photoelectrode was produced using a simple metal evaporation method at low synthesis temperature (< $540^{circ}C$). The nanowire electrodes have large surface area compared with that of flat ITO thin film, and show low electrical resistivity of $5.6{times}10^{-3}{Omega}cm$ at room temperature. In order to apply ITO nanowires to the photoelectrodes of dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC), those surfaces were modified by $TiO_2$ nanoparticles using a chemical bath deposition (CBD) method. The conversion efficiency of the fabricated $TiO_2$/ITO nanostructure-based DSSC was obtained at 1.4%, which was increased value by a factor of 6 than one without ITO nanowires photoelectrode. This result is attributed to the large surface area and superior electrical property of the ITO nanowires photoelectrode, as well as the structural advantages, including short diffusion length of photo-induced electrons, of the fabricated $TiO_2$/ITO nanostructure-based DSSC.
Key words: ITO nanowire, $TiO_2$ nanoparticle, Dye-sensitized solar cells, Electrical resistivity, Surface area
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