ZrB2-SiC 세라믹스의 미세구조와 기계적 물성에 미치는 B4C 첨가효과 |
채정민, 이성민, 오윤석, 김형태, 김경자, 남산1, 김성원 |
한국세라믹기술원 엔지니어링세라믹센터 1고려대학교 신소재공학과 |
Effect of B4C Addition on the Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of ZrB2-SiC Ceramics |
Jung-Min Chae, Sung-Min Lee, Yoon-Suk Oh, Hyung-Tae Kim, Kyung-Ja Kim, Sahn Nahm1, Seong-Won Kim |
Engineering Ceramic Center, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology 1Department of Advanced Materials Engineering, Korea University |
$ZrB_2$ has a melting point of $3245^{circ}C$ and a relatively low density of $6.1;g/cm^3$, which makes this a candidate for application to ultrahigh temperature environments over $2000^{circ}C$. Beside these properties, $ZrB_2$ is known to have excellent resistance to thermal shock and oxidation compared with other non-oxide engineering ceramics. In order to enhance such oxidation resistance, SiC was frequently added to $ZrB_2$-based systems. Due to nonsinterability of $ZrB_2$-based ceramics, research on the sintering aids such as $B_4C$ or $MoSi_2$ becomes popular recently. In this study, densification and high-temperature properties of $ZrB_2$-SiC ceramics especially with $B_4C$ are investigated. $ZrB_2$-20 vol% SiC system was selected as a basic composition and $B_4C$ or C was added to this system in some extents. Mixed powders were sintered using hot pressing (HP). With sintered bodies, densification behavior and high-temperature (up to $1400^{circ}C$) properties such as flexural strength, hardness, and so on were examined. |
Key words:
Ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTCs), $ZrB_2$-SiC, $B_4C$ addition, High-temperature mechanical properties |