Si 결합 다공성 탄화규소의 미세구조 및 통기도 특성 -카본 함량 변화 중심 |
송인혁, 박미정, 김해두, 김영욱1, 배지수2 |
재료연구소 엔지니어링세라믹연구그룹 1서울시립대학교 신소재공학과 2(주) 와이제이씨 |
Microstructure and Permeability Property of Si Bonded Porous SiC with Variations in the Carbon Content |
In-Hyuck Song, Mi-Jung Park, Hai-Doo Kim, Young-Wook Kim1, Ji-Soo Bae2 |
Engineering Ceramics Group, Korea Institute of Materials Science 1Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The University of Seoul 2YJC Co. Ltd. |
The achievement of high gas permeability is a key factor in the development of porous SiC ceramics for applications of hot gas filter, vacuum chuck, and air spindle. However, few reports on the gas permeability of porous SiC ceramics can be found in the literature. In this paper, porous SiC ceramics were fabricated at temperatures ranging from $1600^{circ}C$ to $1800^{circ}C$ using the mixing powders of SiC, silicon, carbon and boron as starting materials. In some samples, expanded hollow microspheres as a pore former were used to make a cellular pore structure. It was possible to produce Si bonded SiC ceramics with porosities ranging from 42% to 55%. The maximum bending strength was 58MPa for the carbon content of 0.2 wt% and sintering temperature of $1700^{circ}C$. The increase of air permeability was accelerated by addition of hollow microsphere as a pore former. |
Key words:
SiC, Porous ceramics, Permeability, Porosity |