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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 47(4); 2010 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2010;47(4): 308.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2010.47.4.308
Properties of Porous SiC Ceramics Prepared by Wood Template Method
Jung-Soo Ha, Byong-Gu Lim1, Geum-Hyun Doh2, In-Aeh Kang2, Chang-Sam Kim3
School of Advanced Materials Engineering, Andong National University
1Head Office & Factory, CoorsTek Asia Inc.
2Department of Forest Products Technology, Korea Forest Research Institute
3Battery Research Center, KIST
Porous SiC samples were prepared with three types of wood (poplar, pine, big cone pine) by simply embedding the wood charcoal in a powder mixture of Si and $SiO_2$ at 1600 and $1700^{circ}C$. The basic engineering properties such as density, porosity, pore size and distribution, and strength were characterized. The samples showed full conversion to mostly $beta$-SiC with good retention of the cellular structure of the original wood. More rigid SiC struts were developed for $1700^{circ}C$. They showed similar bulk density ($0.5{sim}0.6;g/cm^3$) and porosity (81~84%) irrespective of the type of wood. The poplar sample showed three pore sizes (1, 8, $60;{mu}m$) with a main size of $60;{mu}m$. The pine sample showed a single pore size ($20;{mu}m$). The big cone pine sample showed two pore sizes (10, $80;{mu}m$) with a main size of $10;{mu}m$. The bend strength was 2.5 MPa for poplar, 5.7 MPa for pine, 2.8 MPa for big cone pine, indicating higher strength with pine.
Key words: Porous SiC, Wood template, Embedding, Properties
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