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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 47(3); 2010 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2010;47(3): 244.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2010.47.3.244
자연물의 미세구조를 활용한 다공성 인산칼슘 제조
이상진, 이훈철
국립목포대학교 신소재공학과
Fabrication of Porous Calcium Phosphate by Using a Pre-Form of Nature Material
Sang-Jin Lee, Hoon-Cheol Lee
Department of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, Mokpo National University
Porous calcium phosphates were successfully fabricated by using a cuttlefish bone. The cuttlefish bone, which is composed of $CaCO_3$, showed a special porous microstructure containing uniform-sized voids. In this study, the pre-forms infiltrated distilled phosphoric acid were sintered at $1200^{circ}C$ in an air atmosphere. The porous microstructure of the pre-forms was kept their original pattern after sintering with a synthesis of calcium phosphate. The obtained porous calcium phosphate, sintered at $1200^{circ}C$ for 3 h at 17% concentration of phosphoric acid, showed uniform open pores of 150 ${mu}m$ in size and $beta$-TCP phase in the XRD patterns. Above 16% concentration, CaO phase, derived from the decomposition of $CaCO_3$, decreased gradually in the sintered samples, and the measured Ca/P ratios of the samples prepared from 16% and 18% concentration were 1.67 and 1.43, which are close to stoichiometric HA (1.66) and $beta$-TCP (1.50).
Key words: Cuttlefish bone, Calcium phosphate, Phosphoric acid, Porous microstructure
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