석탄회의 재활용을 통한 다공질 뮬라이트 복합체의 제조 |
김원영, 지형빈, 양태영, 윤석영, 박홍채 |
부산대학교 재료공학부 |
Preparation of Porous Mullite Composites through Recycling of Coal Fly Ash |
Won-Young Kim, Hyung-Bin Ji, Tae-Young Yang, Seog-Young Yoon, Hong-Chae Park |
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Pusan National University |
Porous mullite/alumina composites have been fabricated by a freeze casting technique using TBA-based coal fly ash/alumina slurry. After sintering, unidirectional macropore channels aligned regularly along the TBA ice growth direction were developed; simultaneously, small sized micropores fromed in the outer walls of the pore channels. The physical and mechanical properties (e.g. porosity and compressive strength) of the sintered porous composites were roughly dependant of processing conditions, due to the complexity of the factors affecting them. However, with increasing solid loading and sintering temperature, the compressive strength generally increased and the porosity decreased. After sintering $1500^{circ}C$ for 2 h, the porous specimen (porosity: 52.1%) showed a maximum compressive strength of 70.0 MPa. |
Key words:
Porous mullite/alumina composites, TBA-based coal fly ash/alumina slurry, Unidirectional macropore channels, Compressive strength |