알루미나-아연붕규산염 유리를 이용한 저온 소결 다공성 세라믹스의 제조 및 특성 |
김관수, 송기영, 박상엽, 김신, 김성진, 윤상옥1 |
강릉원주대학교 세라믹공학과 1(주)써모텍 |
Properties of Low Temperature Sintered Porous Ceramics from Alumina-Zinc Borosilicate Glass |
Kwan-Soo Kim, Ki-Young Song, Sang-Yeup Park, Shin Kim, Sung-Jin Kim, Sang-Ok Yoon1 |
Department of Ceramic Engineering, Kangnung-wonju National University 1Cermotech Co., Ltd, Gangnung Science & Industry Park |
The low-temperature preparation of porous ceramics was carried out using mixtures of alumina-zinc borosilicate (ZBS) glass. The compositions of alumina-ZBS glass mixture with PMMA pore-former were unfortunately densified. Because PMMA was evaporated below the softening point of ZBS glass ($588{^{circ}C}$), the densification through the pore-filling caused by the capillary force might occur. Howerver, those with carbon possessed pores where carbon was evaporated above the softening point. The porous ceramic having 35% porosity was successively fabricated by the low-temperature sintering process below $900{^{circ}C}$ using 45 vol% of alumina, 45 vol% ZBS of glass, and 10 vol% of carbon as starting materials. |
Key words:
Porous ceramics, $Al_2O_3$, Zinc borosilicate glass, Pore former, Low temperature sintering |