Synthesis of Sphene (CaSnSiO5)-Pink Pigments with CrCl3 |
Hyun-Soo Lee, Byung-Ha Lee |
Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Myongji University |
In high temperature ceramic glazes, a stable range of pink-red colors that produced $Cr_2O_3-SnO_2-CaO-SiO_2$ pigments were factored by Cassiterite($SnO_2$) and Malayaite($CaSnSiO_5$) by $Cr_2O_3$. The experiment examined the influence of $CrCl_3$, a Sn-Cr substitution added with a mineralizer ($H_3BO_3$), as a chromophore in pigments. The experiment also studied the effect of $H_3BO_3$ (2 wt%) when added to malayaite($CaSnSiO_5$) to see if the crystalline reaction will increase. $Cr_2O_3$ was also substituted with $CrCl_3$ in order to prove how much influence $CrCl_3$ had on the $H_3BO_3$. Malayaite and cassiterite were the basic compound materials and the experiment was conducted both with and without mineralizers (2 wt% of $H_3BO_3$). Each compound was synthesized at 800, 1000, 1200, 1300, 1400, $1500^{circ}C$ for 2 h. Synthesized pigments were analyzed by XRD, FT-IR and UV-Vis. The temperature variation produced two crystal phases that showed the different engaging effects of Cr oxidation. $CrCl_3$ produced a better effect on the malayaite crystal phase, resulting in a more defined pigmentation of the pink-red coloration compared to $Cr_2O_3$. |
Key words:
Malayaite, Sphene, $CrCl_3$, Pink, Pigment |