Electrochemical Preparation of TiO2/CNT Electrodes with a TNB Electrolyte and Their Photoelectrocatalytic Effects |
Feng-Jun Zhang, Ming-Liang Chen, Won-Chun Oh |
Department of Advanced Materials & Science Engineering, Hanseo University |
We investigate a method for the electrochemical preparation of titanium dioxide/carbon nanotube ($TiO_2$/CNT) composites involving the electroplating of Ti in a titanium n-butoxide (TNB) electrolyte into a CNT matrix. The BET surface areas of $TiO_2$/CNT composites decreased as electrochemical operating time increased. Changes in XRD patterns showed a typical anatase type on the $TiO_2$/CNT composite prepared with a CNT matrix by the electroplating method in the TNB solution. In SEM micrographs, the titanium complex particles were uniformly distributed on the CNT surface. The results of chemical elemental analysis for the $TiO_2$/CNT composites showed that most of the spectra for these samples produced stronger peaks for carbon and Ti metal than those of any other element. Finally, the prominent photoelectrocatalytic (PEC) activities of the $TiO_2$/CNT composites could be attributed to the combined effects of photodegradation of $TiO_2$, electron assistance of CNT and the application of a sufficient voltage. |
Key words:
$TiO_2$, CNT, Electrochemical, TNB, Photoelectrocatalytic activity |