(Cr, Fe)-doped Y2O3-Al2O3계 붉은 안료의 합성과 특성 |
신경현, 이병하 |
명지대학교 공과대학 신소재공학과 |
Synthesis and Characterization of (Cr, Fe)-doped Y2O3-Al2O3 Red Pigments |
Kyung-Hyun Shin, Byung-Ha Lee |
Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Myongji University |
Perovskite codoped with chromium and iron have been studied. Samples with $YAl_{0.96}(Cr_{0.04-x}Fe_x)O_3$(x=0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04) were prepared by solid state reaction at $1450^{circ}C$ for 6 h and were characterized by XRD, FT-IR, Raman spectroscopy, SEM and UV-vis spectrophotometer. The color of the synthesized pigments were from red to dark brown(in bulk). Up to 0.02 mole $Fe_2O_3$ for substituting $Cr_2O_3$ development of color in lime-glaze gives good red color but as increasing amount of $Fe_2O_3$ and decreasing $Cr_2O_3$ proportionally produce from brownish red to brown. Increasing $Fe_2O_3$ amount lead to weaken crystal field relatively due to have smaller ionic radius than $Cr_2O_3$ ionic one. The UV-vis peaks were shifted to lower wavelength. 胦⨀ |
Key words:
Codoped, Pigment, Red color, Crystal field |