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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 46(3); 2009 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2009;46(3): 275.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2009.46.3.275
수열처리에 의한 폐병유리의 다공질 재료화
임동규, 강은태
경상대학교 나노.신소재공학부
Porous Materials from Waste Bottle Glasses by Hydrothermal Treatment
Dong-Kyu Lim, Eun-Tae Kang
School of Nano & Advanced Material Science and Engineering, Engineering Research Institute Gyeongsang National University
Porous materials were manufactured by hydrothermal treatment of waste bottle glass without foam agent. Factorial design was applied to analyze data by statistical methods and deal with the important factors for a process. The largest effect for porosity was for temperature of hydrothermal treatment. Amount of water and temperature-water interaction appeared to have little effect. The particle size of raw material was also identified as a major factor by one-way ANOVA and the porosity decreased as the size increased. The sintering temperature was not statistically significant for the porosity but was significant for the pore size. The porous material had compressive strength and thermal conductivity comparing with those of ALC (autoclaved lightweight concrete), although it has higher porosity than for ALC.
Key words: Waste bottle glass, Porous materials, Hydrothermal treatment, Factorial design, Porosity
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