LTCC 기판재료 응용을 위한 다양한 충전제 함유 CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 유리복합체 연구 |
김관수, 장호순, 신현호, 김인태1, 김신1, 한용현1, 윤상옥 |
강릉원주대학교 세라믹공학과 1(주)써모텍 |
Various Filler Added CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 Glass Composites for LTCC Substrate Applications |
Kwan-Soo Kim, Ho-Soon Jang, Hyun-Ho Shin, In-Tae Kim1, Shin Kim1, Yong-Hyun Han1, Sang-Ok Yoon |
Department of Ceramic Engineering, Kangnung-Wonju National University 1Cermotech Co., Ltd., Gangnung Science & Industry Park |
Influences of ceramic filler types and dose on the sintering, phase evolution, and dielectric properties of ceramic/CaO-$Al_2O_3-SiO_2$ glass composites were investigated. All of the specimens were sintered at $900^{circ}C$ for 2 h, which conditions are required by the lowtemperature co-firing ceramic (LTCC) technology. Ceramic fillers of $Al_2O_3,;SiO_2$, kaolin, and wollastonite were used. The addition of $Al_2O_3$ filler yielded the crystalline phases of alumina and wollastonite, and the densification over 95% of the relative density was achieved up to 50 wt% addition of the filler. For the cases of the fillers of $SiO_2$, kaolin, and wollastonite, crystalline phases of quartz, mullite, and wollastonite formed, while the densification decreased monotonically with the filler addition. In overall, all the investigated fillers with 10 wt% addition resulted in a reasonable sintering (over 95 %) and low dielectric constants (less than 6), demonstrating the feasibility of the investigated composites for application to a LTCC substrate material with a low dielectric constant. |
Key words:
CaO-$Al_2O_3-SiO_2$, Filler, Ceramic/glass, LTCC, Low dielectric constant |