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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 46(2); 2009 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2009;46(2): 170.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2009.46.2.170
고상법에 의한 100 nm BaTiO3 분말의 합성
김정환, 정한승, 조준엽, 홍정오, 김영태, 허강헌
삼성전기 LCR 개발팀
Synthesis of 100 nm BaTiO3 by Solid-state Reaction
Jung-Hwan Kim, Han-Seong Jung, Joon-Yeob Cho, Jeong-Oh Hong, Young-Tae Kim, Kang-Heon Hur
LCR Development Team, Samsung Electro-Mechanics
$BaTiO_3$ powder was synthesized by the solid-state reaction of fine $BaTiO_3$ and $TiO_2$ raw materials. Fine grinding media of 50 and 300 microns were used for obtaining fine particulate mixture of $BaTiO_3$ and $TiO_2$ with high homogeneity. Effect of the size of grinding media on the synthesis mechanism of $BaTiO_3$ was discussed on the basis of the particulate morphology and thermogravimetry data for the mixture powders. By using the finer grinding media, $BaTiO_3$ was formed at the lower temperature and the particle size with the relatively narrower distribution could be obtained. $BaTiO_3$ powder with the average size of 100 nm was synthesized by the solid reaction in vacuum atmosphere.
Key words: Barium Titanate, Solid state reaction, MLCC
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