중공형 미세구를 이용한 마이크로셀룰라 지르코니아의 가공 특성 고찰 |
이은정, 송인혁, 김해두, 김영욱1, 배지수2 |
재료연구소 구조세라믹연구그룹 1서울시립대학교 신소재공학과 2연진세라믹스 |
Investigation on the Pore Properties of the Microcellular ZrO2 Ceramics Using Hollow Microsphere |
Eun-Jung Lee, In-Hyuek Song, Hai-Doo Kim, Young-Wook Kim1, Ji-Soo Bae2 |
Engineering Ceramics Group, Korea Institute of Materials Science 1Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The University of Seoul 2Young-Jin Ceramics Co., Ltd. |
In this study, a novel-processing route for producing microcellular zirconia ceramics has been developed. The proposed strategy for making the microcellular zirconia ceramics involves hollow microsphere as a pore former which has extremely low density of $0.025;g/cm^3$. Effects of hollow microsphere content and sintering temperature on microstructure, porosity, pore distribution, and compressive strength were investigated in the processing of microcellular zirconia ceramics. By controlling the content of hollow microsphere, it was possible to make the porous zirconia ceramics with porosities ranging from 45% to 75%. Typical compressive strength value of microcellular zirconia ceramics with ${sim}65%$ porosity was over 50 MPa. By adjusting the mixing ratio of large and small zirconia powders, it was possible to control the pore structure from close to open pores.
Key words:
$ZrO_2$, Porous material, Microcellular ceramics, Porosity |