일축 가압 소결법을 이용한 고밀도 탄화 붕소 제조 및 기계적 특성 |
채재홍, 박주석, 안종필, 김경훈 |
요업(세라믹)기술원 기술응용확산센터 |
Mechanical Properties of B4C Ceramics Fabricated by a Hot-press Sintering |
Jae-Hong Chae, Joo-Seok Park, Jong-Pil Ahn, Kyoung-Hun Kim |
Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology |
$B_4C$ ceramics were fabricated by a hot-press sintering method and their sintering behavior, microstructure and mechanical properties were evaluated. Relative density of $B_4C$ ceramics were obtained by a hot-press sintering method reached as high as 99% without any sintering additives. The mechanical properties of $B_4C$ ceramics was improved by a methanol washing process which can remove $B_2O_3$ phase from a $B_4C$ powder surface. This improvement results from the formation of homogeneous microstructure because the grain coarsening was suppressed by the elimination of $B_2O_3$ phase. Particularly, mechanical properties of the sintered specimen using a methanol washed powder improved compared with the specimen using an as-received commercial powder. |
Key words:
$B_4C$, Microstructure, Mechanical property, Hot-press sintering |