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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 45(12); 2008 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2008;45(12): 766.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2008.45.1.766
An SOFC Cathode Composed of LaNi0.6Fe0.4O3 and Ce(Ln)O2 (Ln=Sm, Gd, Pr)
Reiichi Chiba, Takeshi Komatsu, Himeko Orui, Hiroaki Taguchi, Kazuhiko Nazawa, Hajime Arai
NTT Energy and Environment Systems Laboratories
We fabricated single cells with a cathode consisting of a $LaNi_{0.6}Fe_{0.4}O_3-Ce_{0.8}Sm_{0.2}O_{1.9}$ composite (LNF-S20DC composite) active layer and an LNF current collecting layer on a ${0.89ZrO_2}-{0.10Sc_2}{O_3}-0.01{Al_2}{O_3}$ electrolyte sheet. The cathode layers were prepared by the screen-printing method. The cathode properties of these cells were measured by the AC impedance method at $800^{circ}C$. The cathodes with the ceria-LNF composite active layer exhibited high power performance prior to current loading. We investigated the influence of the mixture ratio of LNF and S20DC on the cathodes properties. The Sm in the ceria particles of the composite cathode was substituted with other rare-earth elements. Cathodes with Pr and Gd co-doped ceria in the active layer provided the better performance than those with Sm- or Gd-doped ceria.
Key words: SOFC, Electrochemistry, Cerium compounds, Cathode, Impedance, LNF, Pr
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