Si:C Ratio가 다공질 Self-Bonded SiC 세라믹스의 기공율과 곡강도에 미치는 영향 |
임광영, 김영욱, 우상국1, 한인섭1 |
서울시립대학교 신소재공학과 1한국에너지기술연구원 에너지재료연구센터 |
Effect of Si:C Ratio on Porosity and Flexural Strength of Porous Self-Bonded Silicon Carbide Ceramics |
Kwang-Young Lim, Young-Wook Kim, Sang-Kuk Woo1, In-Sub Han1 |
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, the University of Seoul 1Energy Materials Research Center, Korea Institute of Energy Research |
Porous self-bonded silicon carbide (SiC) ceramics were fabricated at temperatures ranging from 1750 to $1850^{circ}C$ using SiC, silicon (Si), and carbon (C) powders as starting materials. The effect of the Si:C ratio on porosity and strength was investigated as a function of sintering temperature. It was possible to produce self-bonded SiC ceramics with porosities ranging from 36% to 43%. The porous ceramics showed a maximal porosity when the Si:C ratio was 2:1 regardless of the sintering temperature. In contrast, the maximum strength was obtained when the ratio was 5:1. |
Key words:
Porous ceramics, Silicon carbide, Self-bonded SiC, Porosity, Strength |