압입접촉하중이 작용하는 섬유강화 복합재료의 응력해석 |
장경순, 김태우, 김철, 우상국1, 이기성 |
국민대학교 기계자동차공학부 1한국에너지기술연구원 융복합재료연구센터 |
Stress Analysis for Fiber Reinforced Composites under Indentation Contact Loading |
Kyung-Soon Jang, Tae-Woo Kim, Chul Kim, Sang-Kuk Woo1, Kee-Sung Lee |
School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Kookmin University 1Energy Materials Research Center, Korea Institute of Energy Research |
Modeling and FEM analysis on Boron Nitride and/or Pyrolytic Carbon coating layers on SiC fibers under indentation contact loadings are investigated. Especially this study attempts to model the mechanical behavior of the SiC fibers with and without coatings. Tyranno S grade and Tyranno LoxM grade of SiC are selected for fiber and Boron Nitride and/or Pyrolytic Carbon as coating material. The modeling is performed by SiC fiber without coating layer, which includs single(BN or PyC) and double(BN-PyC or PyC-BN) coating layer. And then the analysis is performed by changing a type of coating layer, a type of fiber and coating sequence. In this study, the concepts of modeling and analysis techniques for optimum design of BN and PyC coating process on SiC fiber are shown. Results show that stresses are reduced when indentation contact loading applies on the material having lower elastic modulus. |
Key words:
FEM, Indentation, Fiber Reinforced Composites |