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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 44(4); 2007 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2007;44(4): 235.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2007.44.4.235
알루미나 압축성형체의 성형밀도와 유한요소 시뮬레이션 결과의 비교
육영진, 임종인
요업(세라믹)기술원 시뮬레이션센터
Comparison of the Finite Element Analysis and Experimental Result for Green Body Density of Alumina Ceramics
Young-Jin Yook, Jong-In Im
Simulation Center, KICET
For the pressure compaction process of the ceramic powder, the density distribution is very important for the uniform shrinkages at the sintered body. In this paper, we fabricated alumina green body using compaction process and simulated about same condition. Then comparison of simulation and experimental result confirmed that accuracy of simulation. On the average density of top and lower part was each $2.41g/cm^3,;2.27g/cm^3$ and deviation at final step was calculated with 0.06 in simulation. Also, experiments show that total density of top and lower part was each $2.59g/cm^3,;2.36g/cm^3$, and deviation was 0.09.
, that was not a difference to the simulation and experimental result. The application using the finite element simulation method is possible optimization of the compressing process, predict generated part of cracks and there is a possibility of getting result of more fast, more accurate then existing experience method.
Key words: Alumina, Pressure compaction process, FEM, Green body density
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