열 사이클에 따른 고체산화물 연료전지의 기계적 및 전기적 특성 |
양수용, 박재근, 이태희, 유정대, 유영성, 박진우1 |
한국전력공사 전력연구원 전략기술연구소 1대성산업(주) 연구개발실 |
Mechanical and Electrical Performance of Anode-Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells during Thermal Cyclic Operation |
Su-Yong Yang, Jae-Keun Park, Tae-Hee Lee, Jung-Dae Yu, Young-Sung Yoo, Jin-Woo Park1 |
Strategic Technology Laboratory, Korea Electric Power Research Institute 1Daesung Industrial Co., Ltd. |
Mechanical and electrical performance of anode-supported SOFC single cells were analyzed after thermal cyclic operation. The experiments of thermal cyclic cell-operation were carried out four times and performance of each cell was measured at different temperatures of 650, 700, and $750^{circ}C$, respectively. As increasing the number of thermal cycle test, single cells showed poor I-V characteristics and lower 4-point bending strength. The anode polarization was also measured by AC-impedance analysis. The observation of the microstructure of the anodes in single cells proved that the average particle size of Ni decreased and the porosity of anode increased. It is thought that the thermal cycle caused the degradation of performance of single cells by reducing the density of three-phase boundary region. |
Key words:
SOFC, Anode-supper, Thermal cycle, Degradation, Three-phase boundary |