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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 43(12); 2006 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2006;43(12): 812.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2006.43.12.812
고체산화물 연료전지의 전극과 스택운영의 기능적 분석
배중면, 김기현1, 지현진2, 김정현, 강인용, 임성광, 유영성3
한국과학기술원 기계공학과
1POSCO 기술연구소
3한국전력연구원 신기술센터
Functional Analysis of Electrode and Small Stack Operation in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
Joong-Myeon Bae, Ki-Hyun Kim1, Hyun-Jin Ji2, Jung-Hyun Kim, In-Yong Kang, Sung-Kwang Lim, Young-Sung Yoo3
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
1POSCO Technology Research Laboratories
2Agency for Defense Development (ADD)
3Korea Electric Power Research Institute (KEPRI)
This study amis to investigate the functional analysis of anode and cathode materials in Anode supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cell. The concentration polarization of single cell was investigated with CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) method for the case of the different morphology by using four types of unit cell and discussed to reduce the concentration polarization. The concentration polarization at anode side effected the voltage loss in Anode supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cell and increased contact areas between fuel gas and anode side could reduce the concentration polarization. For intermediate temperature operation, Anode-supported single cells with thin electrolyte layer of YSZ (Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia) were fabricated and short stacks were built and evaluated. We also developed diesel and methane autothermal reforming (ATR) reactors in order to provide fuels to SOFC stacks. Influences of the $H_2O/C$ (steam to carbon ratio), $O_2/C$ (oxygen to carbon ratio) and GHSV (Gas Hourly Space Velocity) on performances of stacks have been investigated. Performance of the stack operated with a diesel reformer was lower than with using hydrogen as a fuel due to lower Nernst voltage and carbon formation at anode side. The stack operated with a natural gas reformer showed similar performances as with using hydrogen. Effects of various reformer parameters such as $H_2O/C$ and $O_2/C$ were carefully investigated. It is found that $O_2/C$ is a sensitive parameter to control stack performance.
Key words: CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell), YSZ (Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia), ATR(Autothermal reforming), GHSV(Gas Hourly Space Velocity)
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