VARTM 공정을 이용한 유리/탄소섬유 하이브리드 복합체의 특성 |
한인섭, 김세영, 우상국, 홍기석, 서두원 |
한국에너지기술연구원 에너지신소재연구부 에너지재료연구센터 |
Characteristics of Glass/Carbon Fiber Hybrid Composite Using by VARTM |
In-Sub Han, Se-Young Kim, Sang-Kuk Woo, Ki-Seok Hong, Doo-Won Soe |
Energy Materials Research Center, Korea Institute of Energy Research |
In VARTM (Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding) process, the permeability generally controls the filling time of the resin and it also affects the void characteristics of the fiber composite. In this study, carbon and glass fiber inter-layered hybrid composites (carbon fiber centered stack) with an epoxy matrix were fabricated by VARTM process and evaluated the resin flow and macro void characteristics. The permeability of glass fiber was higher than that of carbon fiber used in this study. Using Darcy's equation, the permeability of hybrid composites could be predicted and experimentally confirmed. After curing, the macro void content of hybrid composites was investigated using image analyzer. The calculated filling time was well agreed with experimental result and the void content was significantly changed in hybrid composites. |
Key words:
VARTM, Hybrid, Permeability, Filling tim, Void |