고온 산화소성 철적유에 나타나는 Whitlockite계 결정과 Magnesioferrite의 관계 |
박원숙, 이병하 |
명지대학교 무기재료공학과 |
The Relation of Whitlockite-Type Crystals and Magnesioferrite in Hard Oxidizing Fire Iron Red Glaze |
Wonsook Park, Byungha Lee |
Department of Ceramic Engineering, Myongji University |
In the hard oxidizing fire iron red glaze which colorated red exposed magnesioferrite and whitlockite-type crystals. And whitlockite-type crystals has formed before magnesioferrite forming in the step of sintering. This study tries to identify the coloration mechanism of hard oxidizing fire iron red glaze by the experiment of substitution of whitlockite-like crystals and to confirm such substitution be able to farm magnesioferrite. As the results of experiment, magnesioferrite was appeared during substitution of two kinds of whitlockite-type. It can be considered that the magnesioferrite colors the iron glaze to red with covering the glaze surface. |
Key words:
Whitlockite-tyye crystals, Magnesioferrite, Hard oxidizing fire iron red glare, Coloration, Substitution |