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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 42(6); 2005 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2005;42(6): 371.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2005.42.6.371
Dissolution Properties of Phosphate Glasses with Trace Elements
Hoi-Kwan Lee, Won-Ho Kang
Department of New Material add Engineering, Dankook University
Phosphate glasses were prepared by melting quenching process, and glass formation and dissolution properties were studied. The glass forming region in the $K_2O-CaO-P_2O_5$ system is quietly agreed with the report by Mazurin OV et al. with $M_2O-M'O-P_2O_5$ system (M : monovalent cation, M'divalent cation). Conditionally these glasses have solubility from absorbing the moisture or water and then release elements with trace elements, and the thermal and chemical properties were controllable by the $CaO,;K_2O,;P_2O_5$ contents. In the abnormal glass properties, this paper showed the possibility the present glasses can be a good candidate for one component of the slow released agriculture fertilizer.
Key words: environment conscious, Glass fertilizer, Dissolution, phosphate glasses, Slowly-effective fertilizer
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