단입계 ZnO 단결정 접합체의 바리스터 거동 |
김영정, 김영철1, 안승준2, 민준원3 |
선문대학교 재료시스템공학과 1한국기술교육대학교 신소재공학과 2선문대학교 신소재과학과 3자동차 부품연구원 |
Varistor Behavior of ZnO Single Crystal Monolayer Junction |
Young-Jung Kim, Yeong-Cheol Kim1, Seung-Joon Ahn2, Joon-Won Min3 |
Department Materials Systems Engineering, Sunmoon University 1Department Materials Engineering, Korea University of Technology and Education, Chungnam 2Department Physics, Sunmoon University 3KATECH |
Single gram-boundary varistors were fabricated using hydrothermal and vapor phase grown ZnO single crystals and their voltage-current relation was studied. The single crystal bonded single junction varistor showed various voltage-current relationship and different breakdown voltage of 0.24-3V. The different types of non-linear current voltage behaviors was attributed to the variation of electrical conductivity in ZnO single crystals. |
Key words:
Varistor, ZnO single crystal, Single grain boundary |