저온소성 마이크로파 유전체 세라믹스 복합체의 Tape Casting특성 |
이우석, 김창환, 하문수1, 정순종1, 송재성1, 류봉기 |
부산대학교 무기재료공학과 1한국전기연구원 전자기소자연구그룹 |
The Characterizations of Tape Casting for Low Temperature Sintered Microwave Ceramics Composite |
Woo-Suk Lee, Chang-Hwan Kim, Mun-Su Ha1, Soon-Jong Jeong1, Jae-Sung Song1, Bong-Ki Ryu |
Department of Inorganic Materials Engineering, Pusan National University 1Electric and Magnetic Devices Group, KERI |
Sintering behavior of $BaO-Nd_{2}O_3-TiO_2$ with a Pb-based glassceramics frit were investigated in order to understand an effect of glassceramics as a low temperature sintering agent on dielectric ceramics. A green sheet form was fabricated through tape casting method with the glassceramic fut added $BaO-Nd_{2}O_3-TiO_2$. The dispersion properties, rheological properties and final density of dielectric composit slurry as a function of amount and composition of organic additives was examined. The dispersants' addition was effective in controlling dispersion of the ceramics in solution. The addition of excessive dispersant showed adverse effect on dispersion. The prepared slurries, containing ceramic : powders, glass-ceramics and various kinds of organic viechles, exhibited typical shear thinning behavior. The best properties of tape casting appeared powder to solvent ratio 65 : 35 and amount of the binder 6 wt$%$ and plasticizer 3 wt$%$. The viscosity of the slurry was 677 cps and green/sintered density in the tape was $3.3 g/cm^3,;5.56 g/cm^3$ respectively. |
Key words:
Glassceramics, Slurry, Tape casting |