BaO-B2O3-ZnO 결정화 유리계에서 Al2O3 Filler의 첨가에 따른 소결거동 및 물성변화 |
김빙숙, 김영남1, 임은섭, 이준형, 김정주 |
경북대학교 무기재료공학과 1LG마이크론(주) |
Effect of Al2O3 Filler Addition on Sintering Behavior and Physical Characteristics of BaO-B2O3-ZnO Glass Ceramic System |
Byung-Sook Kim, Young-Nam Kim1, Eun-Sub Lim, Joon-Hyung Lee, Jeong-Joo Kim |
Department of Inorganic Materials Engineering, Kyungpook National University 1LG Micron Ltd. |
Suitable compositions which are sinterable at low temperature in the $BaO-B_{2}O_{3}-ZnO$ glass system were investigated as a function of the ratio between BaO and ZnO. The effect of $Al_{2}O_3$ filler on densification and physical characteristics of the glass was also examined. When the amount of $Al_{2}O_3$ filler increased, the densification rate and the values of dielectric constant, thermal expansion coefficient and hardness in the glass-filler composites decreased gradually. The decreasing rate of the physical properties accelerated when fine $Al_{2}O_3$ filler was used. However, the fracture toughness of the composite rather increased due to the existence of filler particles and pores which effectively suppressed crack propagation with addition of fine $Al_{2}O_3$ filler. |
Key words:
Low temperature sintering, Composite |