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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 42(1); 2005 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2005;42(1): 62.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2005.42.1.062
Nitrided Pressureless Sintering에 의해 제조된 Si3N4의 산화거동
한인성, 천승호, 정용희, 서두원, 이시우, 홍기석, 우상국
한국에너지 기술연구원 에너지 재료연구센터
Oxidation Behavior of Si3N4 by the Nitrided Pressureless Sintering
In-Sub Han, Sung-Ho Cheon, Yong-Hee Jung, Doo-Won Seo, Shi-Woo Lee, Kee-Soeg Hong, Sang-Kuk Woo
Energy Materials Research Center, Korea Institute of Energy Research
Oxidtion behavior of $Si_{3}N_{4}$ ceramics with the different porosity by the Nitrided Pressureless Sintering (NPS) were investigated in pure oxygen gas atmosphere at 1000 to $1300^{circ}C$. The thickness of formed oxide film on the surface of silicon nitride ceramics was increased with oxidation time and temperature. The oxide film thickness of 5A5Y5Si and 5A5Y10Si specimens for 100 h at 1300^{circ}C$ was about 10 $mu$m and 20 $mu$m, respectively. The oxidation of 5A5Y5Si and 5A5Y10Si specimens follows the parabolic behavior with an apparent activation energy of 215 kJ/mol and 104 kJ/mol, respectively. The flexural strength of 5A5Y5Si specimens after oxidation test for 500 h at 1300^{circ}C were maintained as-received value of 500 ma. On the other hand, that of 5A5Y10Si specimens were decreased about 100 MPa in as-received value.
Key words: Nitrided Pressureless Sintering (NPS), Silicon nitride, Oxidation behavior, hre oxygen, Oxide film
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