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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 41(11); 2004 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2004;41(11): 864.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2004.41.11.864
AlCl3 폐액으로부터 다공성 Boehmite Gel의 제조
박병기, 이학수1, 김영호1, 이정민
한국화학연구원 화학공정연구센터
1충남대학교 정밀공업화학과
Preparation of Porous Boehmite Gel from Waste AlCl3 Solution
Byung-Ki Park, Hak-Soo Lee1, Young-Ho Kim1, Jung-Min Lee
Porous pseudo-boehmite gel was prepared through the aging process of amorphous aluminum hydroxides gel precipitated by the hydrolysis reaction of dilute NaOH solution and AlCl$_3$ solution. In this study, the synthesis method was studied on porous pseudo-boehmite gel having maximum pore volume, as being investigated the changes of crystal structure, infrared rays absorption spectrum, BET surface area and pore structure when the hydrolysis reaction is controlled in the range of pH 7.6~11.6 and the aging process is hold up for 2~24 h at 60~10$0^{circ}C$. We could find that the gel precipitates deposited in in range of pH 7.6~9.6 were developed into porous pseudo-boehmite which surface area was 250~357 $m^2$/g, pore volume was 0.4~0.7 cc/g and average pore size was 58~l14$AA$. However, the gel precipitates deposited in range of pH 10.6~11.6 were developed into bayerite which pore volume was very little.
Key words: Aluminum chloride, Porous material, Boehmite, $\gamma$-alumina, Catalytic support, catalyst
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