잉크젯용 고농도 은 나노 졸 합성 |
박한성, 서동수, 최영민1, 장현주1, 공기정1, 이정오1, 류병환 |
충남대학교 재료공학과 1한국화학연구원 화학소재부 |
Synthesis of Concentrated Silver Nano Sol for Ink-Jet Method |
Han-Sung Park, Dong-Soo Seo, Youngmin Choi1, Hyunjoo Chang1, Ki-Jeong Kong1, Jung-O Lee1, Beyong-Hwan Ryu |
The synthesis of highly concentrated silver nano sol assisted by polymeric dispersant (polyelectrolytes) for inkjet method was studied. The silver nano sol was prepared with AgNO$_3$, polyelectrolytes (HS5468cf ; polyacrylic ammonium salt), and reducing agent. The polyelectrolytes play an important role in formation of complex composed of Ag$^$+/ion and carboxyl group (COO$^$-/), result in preparation of highly dispersed silver nano particles. The optimization of added amount of polyelectrolytes, and concentration of silver nano sol was studied. The silver nanoparticles were evaluated by XRD, particle size/zeta potential analyzer and FE-TEM. The silver nanoparticles with the range of 10 nm in diameter were produced. The concentration of batch-synthesized silver nano sol was possible up to 40 wt%. |
Key words:
Silver, Nano-sol, Nanoparticle, Ink-jet |