LED용 Sr3MgSi2O8:Eu청색 형광체의 발광특성 |
최경재, 박정규1, 김경남1, 김창해1, 김호건2 |
한국화학연구원 화학소재연구부 1한국화학연구원 화학소재연구 2한양대학교 응용화학과 |
Luminescence Characteristics of Sr3MgSi2O8:Eu Blue Phosphor for Light Emitting Diodes |
We have synthesized a Eu$^{2+}$-activated Sr$_3$MgSi$_2$ $O_{8}$ blue phosphor and investigated an attempt to develop blue LEDs by combining it with a InGaN blue LED chip (Len=405 nm). The InGaN-based Sr$_3$MgSi$_2$ $O_{8}$:Eu LED Lamp shows two bands at 405 nm and 460 nm. The 405 nm emission band is due to a radiative recombination from a InGaN active layer. This 405 nm emission was used as an optical transition of the Sr$_3$MgSi$_2$ $O_{8}$:Eu phosphor. The 460 m emission band is ascribed to a radiative recombination of Eu$^{2+}$ impurity ions in the Sr$_3$MgSi$_2$ $O_{8}$ host matrix. As a consequence of a preparation of W blue LED Lamp using the Sr$_3$MgSi$_2$ $O_{8}$:Eu blue phosphor, the highest luminescence efficiency was obtained at the ration of epoxy/blue phosphor(1/0,202). At this time, the CIE chromaticity was x=0.1417 and y=0.0683. |
Key words:
Phosphor, LED (1ight Emitting Diode), PL, UV blue LED Lamp |