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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 41(1); 2004 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2004;41(1): 81.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2004.41.1.081
나노다공성 NiO-SiO2 가교화 점토의 합성 및 가교물질의 표면개질 연구
윤주영, 심광보, 문지웅1, 오유근1
한양대학교 세라믹공학과
Synthesis of Nanoporous NiO-SiO2 Pillared Clays and Surface Modification of the Pillaring Species
Joo-Young Yoon, Kwang-Bo Shim, Ji-Woong Moon1, You-Keun Oh1
Department of Ceramic Engineering, Hanyang University
1Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology
Nanoporous materials with nanometer-sized pores, are of great interest in the various applications such as selective adsorbents, heterogeneous catalysts and catalyst supports because of their high porosity, surface area, and size selective adsorption properties. This study is aimed to prepare nanoporous catalytic materials on the basis of two-dimersional clay by pillaring of $SiO_2$ sol particles. $SiO_2$ Pillared Montmorillonite (Si-PILM) was prepared by ion exchanging the interlayer $Ni^{2+}$ ions of clay with $SiO_2$ nano-sized particles of which the surface was modified with nicked polyhydroxy cations sach as $Ni_4(OH)_4^{4+}$. Nano-sized $SiO_2$ particles were formed by the controlled hydrolysis of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS). Upon pillaring of $Ni^+$-modified $SiO_2$ nano particles between the clay layers, the basal spacing was expanded largely to $45{AA}$ and the extremely large specific surface area ($S_{BET}$) of $760m^2/g$ was obtained.
Key words: Nanoparticle, Pillared clay, Intercalation
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